Demo is out

You can now try out what our game will be like in a demo. It includes the beginning of the game, up until you meet your first new party member. You can get a taste of:

  • combat with normal enemies and one minor boss;
  • interaction with characters and the environment;
  • exploration that rewards you with extra goodies.

The whole demo should take you between 30 and 60 minutes to complete, depending on how much you explore. 

Known issues:

  • sometimes after battle end, the battle menu can still be seen below the victory screen;
  • items in inventory will be ordered better (to keep categories together) in the final product;
  • there's an item you can get from a nut which is not working properly yet, we recommend not using it at this point.

We'd love to hear your thoughts if you try the demo. Enjoy!


Fairy Tales 2 Demo.md5 58 bytes
48 days ago
Fairy Tales 2 Demo.exe 372 MB
48 days ago

Get The Stuff Fairy Tales Are Made Of 2

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