A downloadable game for Windows

After Paul’s bizarre adventure with the witch, things were looking great. He got fame and fortune for saving the Kingdom, and married his love. But then a strange disease swept through the Kingdom and the neighbouring countries, leaving many, including Paul’s wife, in a state of unconsciousness – the body surviving, but the mind locked away in a deep sleep. When an opportunity to find a cure for the slumbering patients emerges, Paul leaps to action and embarks on a long journey to save the love of his life and countless others. Travelling to the mysterious East with Adele and friends they make on their trip – a variety of characters with unique abilities – they encounter quests and challenges that require the use of their wits and skills. 

The story includes plot lines from folk fairy tales collected by Pavol Dobsinsky (the real life Paul). Real historical figures, places, and events were also used as inspiration, with artistic license taken to create an alternate history fantasy plot. 

 Building on the previous instalment, the gameplay incorporates:

  • a traditional turn-based battle system, with comparatively low difficulty enemy fights, and boss fights that require strategic thinking;  
  • ingredients collection – either on-map or as drops from enemies – for some characters to use in battle or others to create otherwise unobtainable items for you;
  • simple puzzles to solve in order to progress in the story;
  • emphasis on exploration – a straightforward path will take you to the next map, but all the side pathways can lead you to useful items; also, look out for those secret passages (containing even more extra stuff, not necessary for game completion, but making your life a bit easier);
  • interaction with NPCs, which can yield clues about the story and hints about what needs to be done;
  • a journal to help keep track of quests and useful information.


The game is relatively linear, with some optional side-quests. It follows the JRPG formula, and adds the adventure game feature of dialogue and interaction driving the story forward. Some adult and heavy themes appear, but overall the aim is for the game to be wholesome and feel-good, with relatable characters.

The game begins with two characters from the previous game:


Paul is a scholar, who values knowledge almost above all else (the exception being his family and friends). Since Paul has developed his skills in his witch adventure, this time he doesn’t need to look for enemy weaknesses, but uses his knowledge of magic, which he can expand by buying or finding magic scrolls, or learning from other magicians. Being a people person, he can also use a ‘communicate’ skill in battle on enemies that speak human language. In this way, the party can gain information, and maybe even influence the outcome of the battle.



Adele is Paul’s friend, a paladin. Her expertise is brute force, but she also serves as a healer. She is used to doing what she wants and achieving what she sets out to do. She is one to keep the party spirits up with her quips.

To maintain a little mystery and avoid spoilers, we’ll keep the other characters’ descriptions vague. At one point or another in the game, your party will also include:

  • A talking wolf who doesn’t seem to be very fond of people. Keeps himself to himself, but contributes greatly in battle.
  • An alchemist. Can shoot magical bolts and mix ingredients to create helpful effects in battle and sometimes out of it.
  • A merchant. Has a club, but is not much of a fighter.
  • An assassin. Nimble, stealthy, and skilled with knives (and poetry).
  • A bard. Sings songs with strange effects and wields a rapier.


Development notes:

At this point (June 09, 2024), about ¾ of the game is “finished”, with maps, events and battles to be done for about one more quarter. Then the fine tuning, additional bug hunting and script issues solving will have to be dealt with. Currently we’re working on a demo that will give a taste of the gameplay. It will include the beginning of the game until you meet the first new character.

July 30, 2024

The demo is now available for download. See more details in the devlog.


Fairy Tales 2 Demo.md5 58 bytes
Fairy Tales 2 Demo.exe 372 MB

Install instructions

Download the Fairy Tales 2 Demo.exe file -> extract to a folder of your choice -> run Game.exe -> enjoy!

Development log

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